Government affairs

Virtually every day, legislation or regulatory changes are proposed that can impact your company. With more than 20 years of experience as registered lobbyists, Grasso Group helps companies defend and promote their interests in the political and regulatory arenas. We know what’s going on and how to reach those with authority.
"Jim personifies the best characteristics of a public relations/governmental affairs executive. He is insightful, gregarious, amazingly well-connected, and very knowledgeable about the public utility/energy industry. Jim should be at the top of the list of any company in that industry that needs public relations/governmental affairs services."
— James Finnigan, Attorney at Rich May

Grasso Group also offers an array of crucial services in conjunction with lobbying, from strategic media placements (opinion pieces, news stories, interviews) to craft sophisticated written messages for decision-makers. Our mission: results.
In 1816, state law threatened the ability of a national company acquiring a utility in a different state to issued stock dividends. To change the law and get regulatory approval ordinarily takes two to three years. The company deadline is four months.
We develop strategic messages, identify key decision-makers and expedite the process.
The Legislature unanimously passes the law change. Regulators approve the change. The company saves $12 million it would have spent to comply with the old law. The process is complete in four months.
Success in government affairs comes only after a considerable investment in time.
It takes years to know – really know – all the players.